PIFNG Meeting Minutes - 11.17.2022
Date Prepared:
The meeting was held on: 11/17/2022
The meeting was called to order by: Necia Jones
A quorum was established. (X) Yes ( ) No
Quorum was explained again. There were 5 people in attendance with 8 currently on the board.
There were 5 members present including 0 visitor(s).
Necia Jones, Kashya “Shy” Jones, Samantha Justice Kelley, Natalee Chambers, Kendra Brown, Darresha Scott
The agenda was adopted as presented (X ) The agenda was adopted.
The agenda was adopted as corrected ( )
The minutes was adopted as presented (X) The minutes was NOT adopted.
The minutes was adopted as corrected ( )
Officer’s Reports
There are 4 quarters in a year. The goal is to have an event per quarter
For the Newsletter Necia will work with her cousin to make sure it is grammatically correct and work with Jaz the website creator to make sure it’s astetically pleasing
Shy, the Chairwoman will oversee the Website/IT and sponsorships. This includes content to be added to the members only area of the website. Each person will be tasked to submit information but tasked to work on specific areas of the website.
Vice Chairwoman
Samantha introduced herself as Vice-Chairwoman and Chair of the Grants Committee
Natalee will update meeting minutes and Shy will be a backup if needed
Darresha Introduced herself as intended Treasurer and new board member.
Samantha explained the Grants folder can be found in 365 and there are 2 possible grant opportunities coming up Dec 31st and Mid-January.
Tasked each board member to add or submit 2-3 possible grants by the next board meeting. Anyone needing information can reach out to Samantha on how to update the spreadsheet.
Tasked board members with pumping the Giving Tuesday Flyer and sending sponsor letters to whomever is in their personal network. No less than 10 people. When a person responds please answer questions or send them to Sam or Necia for more detailed content. Emails should be sent from your personal PIFNG email and add the info@pifngroup.com email as well.
Unfinished Business
The website is almost finished and ready for presentation – PIFNGroup.com
New Business
Please communicate if you are unable to do anything as is pertains to the organization and tasks you have been given. Please set up alerts on your cellphones so you can receive communications and stay abreast. Please respond to all email communications in a timely manner so that we know the emails have been received and read even if it just a “read” response.
Clarification about PIFNGroup.com email addresses will be sent shortly as well as a uniform signature which will come from Shy.
Closed Session
At this time 12 people are registered for the December Mixer event
As a reminder, meetings are recorded. Personal conversations will stay personal
Responsibilities for December Mixer will be sent out shortly
Banking statements are in 365 – New accounts will be opened and old accounts will be closed once the official 501(c)(3) arrives.
Kendra suggested vending tables at community events to get our name out there and engage with the community