About PIFN Group
Pay It Forward Networking Group was created to bring together women of color for the purpose of advancement and the promotion of professionals through sharing ideas, resources, and creating opportunities that can benefit one another. This group welcomes diversity as we can learn from each other's differences. The heightened focus is on women of color.
In 1860 there were no black women who had a college degree. In 2019 nearly 10% of Black Women earned a college degree (diverseeducation.com; Why College-Educated Black Women Are Threats in 2021). Black people account for about 12% of the U.S. population but occupy only 3.2% of the senior leadership roles at larger companies in the U.S. and just 0.8% of all Fortune 500 CEO positions according to the analysis by the Center for Talent Innovation (cbsnews.com: Why so many Black Business Professionals are Missing from the C-suite).
The goal of Pay It Forward Networking Group is to bridge the gap between black professionals and corporate America in order to elevate in entrepreneurship. We understand the importance of being well rounded in areas of economics, finances, real estate, and stocks. We promote financial freedom, home ownership, and wealth building in the black community in professional sectors where we are underrepresented.
Our Mission
To empower women of color by connecting, educating, motivating, and resourcing essential tools for the development and success of their personal and professional goals.
Our Vision
Create a global network of female entrepreneurs and provide investments through education, mentorship, leadership and motivation and other tools that will enhance growth within their business. Igniting the connections and opportunities that empower women to thrive as leaders, not just in business but through all areas of life while bridging the gap between community, black excellence and service.

Motivation comes from within — and we’re here to help you activate it.
Contact us.
Please reach out with any questions, comments or interest.