PIFNG Formal Board Meeting Minutes 4.27.23
Meeting was called at 6:03p ET
Attendees: Necia Jones, Shy Jones, Kendra Brown, Samantha Justice Kelley
Consolidate our meetings
Take Jerry Dean’s off the table
What does it look like to bring on new Board Members?
Financial Wellness – propose to do this virtually
Tabling event in June
Necia proposed doing a community forum for mayor in running (Necia would host it as PIFNG/at the Pal, need to do checks and balances for us as a nonprofit for 2024. Velda Jones Potter. Discussing importance of joining boards, getting involved in local politics. Conflict at PAL because it’s a Police Athletic League – conflict of interest
Necia will speak to the PAL Board
Propose we have planning meetings: 1 on Board Meetings, 1 as a Working Meeting (second Thursday of every month at 7p)
15 min on website, 15 min on social media, 15 min on grants
As a Board, we need 3 people to vote.
Newsletter responsibility:
Ciara’s working on the format.
Need content.
Establish deadlines: March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31? We can set up our quarterly dates on an off-schedule so our newsletter doesn’t get lost with other organizations’ mailings. We can tool around with different days to see when people are most likely to open their mail.
Working meeting will allow us to finalize content to meet those deadlines.
All parties agree to Outsourcing where needed. Topics not discussed:
Distribution List
Sponsor packages
Social Media presence: LinkedIn (groups, posts, members); Facebook (Sister Circle Group)
Marketing Materials (banner & flyers)